Studio Update + back to school
Oh, the carousel of time has come around again and here I am at the beginning of a new school year (which will probably always feel more like the “new year” than the actual new year as long as I have kids in school and a teacher husband). I know I say every year that summer went by so fast, but this year it really did go by fast. I’m usually ready for the transition into the academic year but this year I was NOT at all. Unfortunately they don’t let me decide when these things happen, so here we are!
I’m getting back into a regular work routine while still finishing up my studio project . . . yes, that’s right, it’s not done yet. Oh, home construction projects. It’s getting close though! I hope I can give you a tour soon because I’m anxious to get back in there.
I’ve got walls, paint, and some trim. All that’s missing is a closet door, flooring, and some barn doors. Oh, and all my STUFF.
So besides my studio project, what else have I been doing? Let’s catch up!
I did a short course at the beginning of the summer called Explore Florals with Victoria Johnson. I’ve always liked Victoria’s style and the variety of ways in which she approaches her work. This 3 week course gave us a few different themes to work from with a lot of suggestions on how to explore the subject. The above collection, Wild Botanica, came out of this course and it’s one of my favorites. It was inspired by a walk I took on our family vacation in northern Minnesota. I liked it so much I turned it into my 2019 tea towel calendar design. It’s now available in my Spoonflower shop and on Roostery and finished tea towels will be in my Etsy shop (which is still temporarily closed) later this fall.
There are a few other new collections in my portfolio (see below) that I worked on this summer and I also received some fun new samples over the past few months! My first fabric collection with Robert Kaufman, Flamingo Paradise, is now in stores and the next collection, What do the Animals Say?, will be available soon! Because of the construction zone in my house I haven’t been able to make anything with the fabric yet, but I hope to get to that in the near future.
I love seeing new product samples!
And now it’s back to class for me! It’s always a bit hard to get back into a good routine, but I’ll get there! I’ll be back soon (I hope) to share my new studio!