A New Year begins!
Even though we’re past the halfway point in January I feel like we can still claim it as “New Year’s” time, can’t we? This was the first week everyone else in my house was back to school or work in their various locations, so although I’ve been working earlier in the month this was the first time I had a chance to pause and look ahead. I just finished a big project so I’m kind of in the “lull” before I start on something new. And while I’m not big on resolutions and have no expectation that my life will suddenly get more exciting and more productive, all while wearing jeans in a smaller size, just because the calendar flipped to a new year, I do appreciate some reflection time and some big picture planning/visioning.
So what’s ahead for 2023? I have three, count ‘em, THREE fabric collections coming out this year with Riley Blake Designs. Honeycomb Hill will come out in April, Yuletide Forest will debut in May, and the third collection (still hush hush) will be released in November (more on that later this spring!). I hope to continue to connect with the people who are buying and using my fabrics. The quilting/sewing community is a very generous one, so I’m always trying to build relationships there, both online and in the “real” world. I also did more sewing this past year and I hope to continue that this year. It’s still hard for me to devote time to sewing, but I really enjoy it so I want to make it a higher priority.
A baby quilt I made in early 2023 using fabric from previous collections.
I have a handful of new licensed pieces that will be released on products this year, some in new product categories for me, which will be exciting! I hope to expand into new areas and connect with new clients in the year ahead. I also hope to continue stretching myself as an artist by prioritizing time to sketch and paint just for me as I explore my style.
Experimenting with digital landscape painting.
And in my personal/family life I hope 2023 will bring some fun adventures too. I think some travel might be ahead for my family and let’s face it, life with 3 teenagers is always an adventure! I hope you had a good year and have some good things on the horizon in 2023. Thanks for being here!
My fam!